Hardwood Sliding sash windows
Two of 6 Hardwood Sliding sash windows in a handsome grey colour from Teknos UK.
Small Sliding Sash
A small sash window mounted on spiral balances instead of sash weights as the opening did not have rebates to accommodate them. nor did the opening have a stone cill so we fitted some thin sandstone.

Mock Sash windows
Here you find 3 mock sash windows in “Lizard Green” (Mock) in that they don’t slide but are top hung.

Large Box-sash
This sash window is over six feet tall and 4 foot wide, to break up the area a large glazing bar was used with a reed molding up the center.
Triple Box-sash
A bank of three Box-sash windows. Note the smaller top sashes, this is to allow a clear view outside from within as the meeting rail is above your eye line

Two tone sliding sash windows
Two of about 14 Sliding sash windows, Farrow and Ball colour “Downpipe” and Johnstone’s “Manor White”

Round top box-sash
Pre-installation photo of an arched top sash window.

Arched top sliding sash window
Pre-installation photo of an arched top sash window. a lovely job to make

Georgian Sliding Sash
A Lovely Georgian sliding sash